GUA Judges

Each year, The Global Undergraduate Awards invites leading academics and industry experts from a diverse range of academic and cultural backgrounds to take part in the GUA Judging Process.
The application process is in a constant cycle and you are always welcome to apply to become a judge for the next season.
Judging takes place from June through early September and applications are required every year for long standing panelists and new members alike. To join judging panel for next season please fill out our application form.
The GUA Judging Process takes place online and gives judges the unique opportunity to gain a global insight into the future research trends of their discipline.

The GUA Judging Process
The GUA Judging Process typically runs from June through to the beginning of September and is divided into four stages. Each of our 25 submission categories is assigned an expert judging panel. Each panel accesses our judging platform and through the judging process they identify the Highly Commended Entrants, Regional Winners and one Global Winner in their category.
We aim to make the Judging Process an exceptionally rewarding and enriching experience allowing for connection and collaboration between academics from across the world. We provide detailed category-specific Guidelines & Rubrics to support judges in evaluating entries through all four stages of judging.
Why become a Judging Panellist
- As a GUA Judge you will:
- Have the opportunity to review some of the best undergraduate research from across the globe.
- Gain insight into the up and coming research trends in your discipline.
- Recognise and support undergraduate research in your discipline.
- Join a network of high-profile international academics.
- Work collaboratively with other experts within your discipline.