Li Sou completed her undergraduate degree in Archaeology in 2014 at Durham University, and has recently completed a Masters in the same subject, for which she was awarded the Ian Colquhoun Bursary for Prehistoric Archaeology. Li has worked in public outreach roles for the Manchester Museum, York Archaeological Trust and as a field archaeologist for Cotswold Archaeology. She is currently employed at the Oriental Museum, Durham.

Her research interests include depictions of the past, the nature of public engagement with professional archaeology and how non-specialists perceive the discipline, particularly through specific time periods that especially fascinate her. For example, her undergraduate research focussed on the past use of colours on stone sculpture from Neo-Assyrian palaces, which allowed her to produce polychromy reconstructions of these monumental artefacts. Li’s most recent research has focussed on a particularly enigmatic type of Late Iron Age monument in Britain called oppida, and their academic interpretation through time. This research found that changing trends in archaeological interpretation have greatly impacted on how these monuments have been perceived.

Li is now furthering her archaeological skill set through working with numerous commercial and academic archaeological organisations, and is looking to use her abilities to develop an original PhD research project.